
    STAINS TO GO                                  

Ever tried lemon juice & cream of tartar for ink stains?

You've probably seen stains in every shade & size. Were you able to treat them? Was the fabric ruined? 

Good News: Here are a few more removers to have in your arsenal. Best to treat any stain immediately with a cold water rinse. Depending on the fabric and the stain--you may get some great results.
Note: The manufacturers may not recommend the following, so go at your own risk! Good Luck.

The 8 stain removers you may have at home:

1. Neutrogena facial wash – great at removing oil-based stains. Personal Note: I once left an eyeliner stick in my pocket and it went through the dryer and melted all over. I rain to the bathroom and only Neutrogena was within reach. I soaked in cold water, applied the soap and did some serious scrubbing. I rinsed in cold water again and the stains were gone.

2. Vinegar – its powers of stain removing are widely known. It can get rid of the yellow underarm stains from the aluminum in some antiperspirants. Mix a half and half solution of cold water & vinegar and spritz on stains—let sit, then wash in cold water. Don’t dry if the stains are still there.

3. Toothpaste – great at removing tea stains from coffee mugs or cups.

4. Dawn dish soap – great at getting pizza sauce off clothing. Since pizza sauce has grease, Dawn as a de-greaser can remove these stains.

5. Salt – removes wine if you boil, blot and sprinkle. Spread the fabric on the bottom of a sink or tub, boil water or put a few cups of H2O in the microwave. Blot away the excess wine (use a dry washcloth). Quickly sprinkle on salt – enough to cover the entire stain, then take the hot water and pour it over the salt—it’s been suggested that the height of 8-12 inches is a must, otherwise you may melt a synthetic material.

6. Lemon juice and cream of tartar paste – 1 part lemon juice + 2 parts COT can get rid of ink stains.

7. Bubbles – if your kids can spare some of the stuff that they’ve blown into the wind at your face at parties and weddings – they help get grass stains out of jeans. Bubbles are basically soap so a good soak in cold water and a healthy dash of bubbles with some scrubbing can diminish greenish-ness.

8. Pencil erasers (or the big pink ones) -- if you got a stain on leather or suede you have some luck simply applying an eraser and a soft cloth to the stain. This may be the only time you can let a stain dry.


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