
Showing posts from June, 2018

Writing, shoes and book reviews

  Surrender I am in a good place. Not an easy place but a good place. Back in the saddle; enjoying the ride with a few active WIPs (works in progress). After years of fighting inner demons I am finishing projects. I'm doing what writers do. Finally. I wandered away from the work of sitting down and hammering out the next scene or chapter. I got caught up in the busy-ness of the writing business. Crafting query letters, pitching tweets, revising synopses (long and short versions) and researching agencies. All of these things are so critical to my career, but they take away from what I am – a writer. Imagine a cabinet maker, not making cabinets. He'd have nothing to show for his experience or expertise. And have nothing in his checking account. How did I get to this good place? I did two things at the once. I stopped fretting and surrendered. Worrying is true waste of time. Letting go, is not. Rather than wrestle with fate to bend it to my will, I am working with ...


     STAINS  TO GO                                   Ever tried lemon juice & cream of tartar for ink stains? You've probably seen stains in every shade & size. Were you able to treat them? Was the fabric ruined?  Good News: Here are a few more removers to have in your arsenal. Best to treat any stain immediately with a cold water rinse. Depending on the fabric and the stain--you may get some great results. Note: The manufacturers may not recommend the following, so go at your own risk! Good Luck. The 8 stain removers you may have at home: 1. Neutrogena facial wash – great at removing oil-based stains. Personal Note: I once left an eyeliner stick in my pocket and it went through the dryer and melted all over. I rain to the bathroom and only Neutrogena was within reach. I soaked in cold water, applied the soap and did some serious sc...