
Showing posts from April, 2019
Community or Traditional College?  There have been so many negative posts about how expensive and unnecessary college is. I'm weighing in, because while I love a sale (shoe sale, to be exact), college provides an intangible value for kids who feel a little queasy about the price of tuition. The latest advice for prospective students is, forgo the 4-year institutions and hit up the community college option. While this makes sense for some students, it’s not good advice for all college-bound kids. Ask yourself: How well did I like high school? If you hated it, couldn’t stand the classes, teachers and most of your classmates, punishing yourself with another 4 years of the same (on steroids) is counter intuitive. What you need to do now is creatively think of ways to get yourself out into the world to find what you love. If you already know what you’re good at—get in the door through part time volunteering or shadowing a mentor. A 2-year ...